Oliver Muller

Founder CEO of PropertyCard, PropTech Investor



How It All Started…

The roots of my journey can be traced back to the vibrant city of Beirut, Lebanon, where I spent my formative years. After graduating from the International College, I pursued higher education at the American University of Beirut, laying the foundation for a global perspective. The pursuit of knowledge led me to UCLA in California, where I delved into the complexities of finance and economics. With this academic arsenal, I embarked on a career as a derivatives trader in Dubai, navigating the intricate landscapes of the financial markets across Asia. However, my true pivot occurred when I transitioned into the realm of real estate. Becoming a landlord and property fund manager in the UK, I immersed myself in the multifaceted world of property transactions, grappling with its inefficiencies and complexities. It was from this vantage point that the vision of PropertyCard Super App was born—a culmination of diverse experiences converging into a singular mission to redefine property management.